Little festive cheer from pork processors

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There was little festive cheer from the processing sector for the last full week before the short Christmas weeks, according to Thames Valley Cambac.

“Meanwhile, pig supply gets ever tighter, but most processors still seem deaf to this fact,” TVC said in its latest market update,” TVC said in its latest weekly market update.

“Prices were affected by a fall in the SPP which fell sub 200p for the first time in 12 weeks. Processor contributions remained stagnant, with one exception. The fresh meat market was in more festive mood with some appreciation in prices.”

Cull sows continued to improve, up another 4p on the back of improved continental demand, while European markets were similar, with only the Netherlands showing any improvement, although prices in sterling were enhanced slightly by a small rise in the Euro, that ended the week up 0.10p at 85.88p.

There was little interest in any weaner supplies outside contractual arrangements, with fatteners ‘noticeably absent’ due to the parlous state of the finished market, TVC added. There was insufficient data for AHDB to formulate any quotes.


Alistair Driver / Pig World

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