Poultry set to take nearly half of the global meat market by 2031

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Poultry will continue to be the fastest growing meat over the next decade and by 2031 will take 47% of the market, according to the latest OECD/FAO Agricultural Outlook.

The long-term shift towards poultry will continue to strengthen, in part due to a preference for white meat among high-income countries. This is because poultry is seen as easy to cook, healthier and it is perceived as a better choice. In middle and low-income countries, poultry is seen as a cheaper alternative to other meats.

As a result, the Outlook predicts that protein availability from poultry will rise by 16% by 2031 and by then will constitute 47% of the protein consumed from meat sources, followed by pork, lamb and beef.

Poultry meat consumption has risen in virtually all countries and regions with consumers attracted by lower prices, product consistency and adaptability, as well as higher protein/lower fat content.

Consumption of poultry meat is expected to increase globally to 154 mt over the projected period, reflecting the significant role it plays in the national diet of several populous developing nations, such as China, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Peru, the Philippines and Vietnam.

In the shorter-term, the shift in meat consumption from foodservice to home cooking that occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic is expected to remain short-term, with consumers reverting to prior expenditure patterns as restrictions are lifted.



Poultry World

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