Bord Bia launches €4.8 million beef and lamb campaign

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A new campaign launched by Bord Bia is set to invest €4.8 million in the promotion of Irish beef and lamb in key overseas markets over the next three years.

The ‘European Beef and Lamb -Ireland, working with nature’ campaign is co-funded by the European Union and will target the US, Japan, South Korea and China.

These have been identified by the food board as “high potential markets”, and a range of promotional activities will take place in each to highlight Ireland’s high-quality and sustainability produced meat.

A total of $1 million will be spent on promotional activities in the US alone, which Bord Bia forecasts will increase growth in the Irish beef and lamb sectors by about $12.6 million.

In a statement, Bord Bia outlined that it will target more than 350 “key trade and decision makers”, while Irish meat exporters will have access to more than 255,000 buyers at international trade shows.


Megan O’Brien / Agriland 

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