NCB updates hygiene advice for butchers

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National Craft Butchers (NCB) has reviewed existing assured advice and launched a food safety management system for butchers.

Since partnering with Horsham District Council in 2013, NCB members have been able to register for a Primary Authority (PA) system and the legally backed food hygiene advice it provides.

Primary Authority enables businesses to form a partnership with one local authority, which then provides assured advice on complying with environmental health and trading standards rules that other regulators must respect.

Developed with Primary Authority partner Horsham District Council, and member advice service, Safer Food Scores, the NCB guide is intended as a reference to ensure compliance and best practice standards are achieved in retail butchery.

Registration for NCB’s Primary Authority system helps businesses with multiple sites, as it reduces the cost of complying with different councils’ interpretations of the law, and ensures consistency across the company, said the association.

Provided firms are following the PA’s assured advice, other local authorities can’t ask them to do something different before speaking to the Primary Authority and getting their agreement. The PA can help to negotiate compliance measures without formal enforcement action.


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