George Adams closing shop to focus on manufacturing

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The owners of a well-established butchers has announced it will be closing its shop later this month.

George Adams of Spalding will now be focussing solely on the manufacturing of artistan pies and pastry products after seeing a boost in that side of the business.

Owners Steve Hall, Anthony Burfield and Stephen Bollard are looking to expand the factory side of the business after winning some large contracts – which has resulted in the creation of five new jobs.

They will be closing the fresh meat and butchery side of the business on Saturday, March 25, as the shop had never recovered from the pandemic. There will be no redundancies with staff taking on new roles in the factory.

George Adams opened the shop in The Crescent in 1910 before adding the factory at the rear in the 1950s. The company went onto focus on manufacturing after the supermarkets took hold in the 1970s.

The current owners, who purchased the business in 2021, have issued a statement: “As a result of the challenges our business faces over the coming weeks and months, George Adams of Spalding has chosen to take a different route with our premises in The Crescent.

“As of Monday, March 27, the business will solely focus on the manufacturing of artisan cold pies, hot pies and pastry products.

“Our fresh meat offering and butchers will close with immediate effect which will allow us to focus on the challenges we face with the unprecedent growth of the manufacturing business, within the retail and foodservice channels.

“We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our loyal customers that we’ve served and valued over the past two years, it’s been a pleasure to greet you through the door every day.


 By Victoria Fear | Spalding Today

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