Irish processors urged to increase pig price above EU average

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Irish processors are being urged to increase the price paid to pig farmers for next week’s pigs.

Irish Farmers’ Association national pig committee chairman Roy Gallie said that the current EU average pig price is rising and the Irish price must move further to return to pig farmers a price “they justly deserve for their pigs to well over the EU average”.

The European average price recorded by the European Commission for week 12 was €2.33 per kg.

There were further increases across Europe again this week bringing the average price further up while the price for Irish pig farmers remained at an average of €2.28 per kg.

Mr Gallie said there is “full justification” for a further substantial rise in pig price for next week’s pigs.

“Irish pig farmers have accrued huge losses over the past 18 months and while pig prices are on the rise, we need to ensure the Irish pig price takes back its position ahead of the European average price to give farmers the increase in return they very much need,” he said.


Kathleen O’Sullivan | Irish Examiner

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