Innovation key to meat sector – AIMS conference

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Marketing and innovation in the meat sector will be more important than ever as competition and sustainability demands weigh heavy.

How to stay ahead of the curve was a key theme among speakers at the Association of Independent Meat Wholesalers (AIMS) annual conference, held in London.

Charles Baughan, Westaway Sausages, Devon, talked about his brand’s rich heritage, which goes back to his grandfather’s butcher’s shop in the 1920s.

Since then, the family have propelled the business into a major manufacturer of sausages, exporting as far afield as Asia.

Mr Baughan said: “Butchers and those in the meat industry are, and always have been, natural innovators.

“Even back in the 1920s, my grandfather had clear marketing; a ham hanging outside the shop and a bicycle with signage, he offered ‘food to go’ with fresh cut sandwiches and also offered home delivery with a refrigerated side car – all the fundamentals you would expect now.


Olivia Midgley | Farmers Guardian

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