UK pork imports rise as domestic supplies dwindle

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UK pork imports rose in May as supplies of domestic pork remained suppressed due to the contraction of the national breeding herd. 

Total pork imports for the month, at 68,600 tonnes, were nearly 9,300 tonnes (16%) up from April’s levels and 2% (1,600 tonnes) higher than May 2022 levels.

Lower availability in the domestic market has been the driving factor behind increased in imports – UK pig slaughterings in May were 14% down on a year ago, following April’s 19% reduction, Defra figures show.

The increase has been recorded despite tight EU supplies and high pork prices, with the gap between UK and EU prices remaining well below the normal difference.

The main source for UK imports in May was Denmark with 14,100 tonnes, an increase of 3,000 tonnes from April’s levels, AHDB senior analyst Soumya Behera said. This was followed by imports from Germany and the Netherlands at 13,300 tonnes and 12,200 tonnes respectively.

The most significant changes on the year were noticed in imports from Denmark and Belgium which have seen shipped volumes grow by 1,800 tonnes and 1,600 tonnes respectively.


by Alistair Driver | Pig World

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