Opposition builds towards Cranswick’s proposed ‘mega farm’

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Cranswick is facing significant opposition from locals at the proposed construction of a large pig and poultry farm in rural Norfolk.

Hundreds of people in the villages of Methwold and Feltwell have objected to the company’s plans to build a site to rear millions of pigs and chickens.

According to local news, Cranswick has said the site will be ‘a sustainable, modern farm’ which will create local jobs and deliver affordable food. But campaigners against the plans have issued concerns about potential increases in traffic on surrounding roads. Other concerns include fears about pollution, carbon emissions and animal welfare.

A campaign group, Cranswick Objection Group, has been set up to lobby against the proposals. Shirley De’Ath, who launched the group, said: “There is absolute uproar from local people who are objecting daily to this. We are a rural community with roads already plagued with never-ending potholes and the infrastructure will not be able to cope with the huge increase in lorries.”

She added: “It is a disaster waiting to happen. There are already issues at much smaller farms in the county that have faced constant bad smells, flies and poor air quality.”


Vicky Lewis | Pig World

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