New Zealand: Meat exports crash as China stalls

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New Zealand’s largest red meat export market has hit the wall, with China taking much less of our sheepmeat and beef.

Latest figures from the Meat Industry Association (MIA) show that China is still our largest red meat export market. However, during the month of July, the industry saw the largest drop in exports for both beef and sheepmeat to that market.

The MIA says in July sheepmeat exports to China were down 31% by volume to 12,148 tonnes and 45% by value to $74 million. At the same time, beef exports to China also declined, 29% by volume to 16,241 tonnes and 48% by value to $124 million compared to July 2022.

“While this drop can be partly attributed to the high level of exports last July, these were still lower than other recent July figures for China,” MIA chief executive Sirma Karapeeva says.

She says NZ’s sheepmeat markets are under “significant pressure” due to a declining sheep flock and an increase in beef and dairy cattle numbers.

NZ exported $807 million worth of red meat products during the month of July – $293 million less than the $1.1 billion exported in July 2022.

Year-on-year, sheepmeat exports are down 25% by volume to 24,677 tonnes and a further 34% by value to $249 million.

“This big drop is a short-term impact from the very high export volumes last July, which were largely a result of Covid-related disruptions in the first quarter,” Karapeeva explains.

“Productivity gains in the sheep sector has meant that the drop in sheepmeat exports has not been as significant as the increase in beef exports.”


by  David Anderson | NZ Rural News

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