FSA urged to back introduction of edible insects
Consumers and food safety groups should get over the ‘yuck factor’ and embrace edible insects as part of a more sustainable food system, according to a new report.
The UK Edible Insect Association (UKEIA) study, produced with support from the University of Sheffield’s Institute for Sustainable Food, said edible insects are environmentally-friendly sources of protein and could help find solutions to other issues such as tackling climate change.
The research also highlighted that current Food Standards Agency (FSA) Novel Food Regulations impose an extremely high barrier to entry for edible insect companies, potentially restricting the sector’s potential to contribute to a more sustainable food system.
Professor Peter Jackson, co-director of the Institute for Sustainable Food at the University of Sheffield, said: “Feeding a growing population is a major challenge, so as well as reducing meat consumption and promoting a higher intake of fruits, vegetables and pulses, other innovative approaches that work to increase the consumption of alternative sources of protein such as insects, are also needed.”
Jane Thynne | Farmers Guardian
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