UK pork imports rise, UK exports plummet

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UK pigmeat import volumes continued to increase towards the end of last year, as the EU-UK price differential grew, making imports an attractive proposition to full domestic shortfalls.

Pigmeat import volumes totalled 71,300 tonnes in November, up by 1,200t on October, the fourth month in a row of growth and 1,000t up on November 2022.

For the year to November, UK pig meat imports totalled 720,100 t, which was 2% (-18,100t) down on the same period in 2022. However, every month from May has seen a year-on-year increase.

During November, imports of fresh and frozen pork were 11%, 3,000t, up on November 2022. However, sausage imports were down 7%, 1,000t, bacon was down 5%, 900t and processed pork products were 3% lower.

AHDB senior analyst Soumya Behera said ‘multiple factors’ are contributing to the increase in import volumes, including lower domestic production, with the UK pig population recorded at its lowest level in over a decade.

“Lower European pig reference prices, which have been declining over the last few months, also remain key,” she said.


Alistair Driver | Pig World



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