INTERPORC highlights the opportunities that the pig sector offers for the young generation

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The Interprofessional of the White Coated Pig (INTERPORC) participates and supports, since its creation, the training of specialists in the pig sector taught in the Master in Pig Health and Production organized by the University of Lleida, the University of Zaragoza and the University of Madrid.

In it, in which nearly 400 students have already participated, the director of INTERPORC has highlighted the attractions and opportunities that the pig sector offers for the youngest. In fact, 98% of the students of this master’s degree currently work in the pig sector, more than 50% in production companies, 20% inĀ nutritionĀ , 15% in consulting, and another 15% in health.

Spanish pork is “a world leader and a strategic sector for the Spanish economy, it creates employment and contributes to structuring the national territory by offering opportunities to young people in rural areas”, Herranz explained.

In addition, he added the main challenges that “they will have to face in the coming years and that will be related to sustainability, animal welfare, health, communication and the international market”.

During his speech, Herranz also showed the students the importance of the Interprofessional as representatives of the entire value chain of the white pork sector. He described some of the actions developed in its little more than ten years of operation and made available to the students all the technical documentation prepared since its launch.

Euro Meat Team

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