Defra looks at greater use of electronic tags for pig identification

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The government has promised to work with the pig industry on any future changes to pig identification, including the possible greater use of electronic tags.

Defra has now responded to a 2022 report by AHDB into pig movements, identification and traceability, commenting on all 48 recommendations made.

This report was commissioned by Defra in the context of the ongoing transition from the “aged and separate” livestock movement recording systems – eAML2 for pigs – to the multi-species Livestock Information Service (LIS).

Pigs will be the third species to make the move, but the department confirmed it would not be for some time yet.

Sheep movement reporting transitioned onto LIS in 2022, with cattle moving on to the service by the end of 2024, “to be followed later by pigs”, Defra said.

The National Pig Association (NPA) said it was vital that identification and traceability systems were used to accurately record pig movements due to the threat of diseases, such as African swine fever.

The new LIS service may have the capacity to either interlink or feed data across to update other relevant services.

Defra said it will “look into creating a consistent approach” to the registration process, but has not yet determined whether LIS will be the future system for registration.

Farming UK Team

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