AIMS announces speakers for its 2nd Annual Luncheon

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The Association of Independent Meat Suppliers (AIMS) has announced the speakers attending its Annual Luncheon on Friday 12th April at Butcher’s Hall in London.

The luncheon will commence with a short address from the Master of the Worshipful Company of Butchers, Chris Wood.

Tony Goodger, membership communications lead at AIMS, said: “This year we will hear from FSA’s Head of Operations Junior Johnson on the new tender process and how that will embrace a move from the current monopoly inspection system to one that is more competitive system. He will also discuss the 5% and OV role issue.”

Following Johnson’s address, delegates will hear from the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) retail insight manager Grace Randall, as well as AHDB’s head of international trade development Jonathon Eckley and the Institute of Export’s Kevin Shakespeare.

Goodger said: “We are delighted that Grace will be attending. She will be speaking about the work she and her team have done on improved pack labelling and their current work on meat designations.

“The Institute of Export’s Kevin Shakespeare and AHDB’s head of international trade development Jonathan Eckley will look at existing market access and the development of new markets for British products” said Goodger. “The UK produces a wide range products that global markets wish to buy and also has the manufacturing ability to make market specific products and we know that our industry’s profitable growth depends on exporting”.

Meat Management Team

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