Retailers accused of ‘morally wrong’ pricing as they cut price of lamb ahead of Easter

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Retailers have been accused of ‘morally wrong’ pricing as the price of lamb, potatoes and vegetables are cut this week.

IFA President Francie Gorman said that vegetables, potatoes and lamb are being sold below the cost of production this week at prices that are “insulting to the farmers and growers who produced it.”

Both Aldi and Lidl have cut the price of a leg of lamb to below €8/kg, as farmers received over €8/kg for lamb from factories this week.

“This latest marketing stunt by retailers to attract footfall into their stores is morally wrong and will ultimately drive farmers out of business,” he said.

“Farmers are having an awful time with weather and cost pressures and then they see what they worked so hard to produce being devalued on the shop shelf.”

The IFA has called on Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue to introduce an amendment to the Agricultural and Food Supply Chain Act 2023 on ‘below-cost selling’.

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