Smaller abattoir fund boosted

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Defra has issued two updates to its Smaller Abattoir Fund, raising the maximum grant amount to £75,000 and the intervention rate to 50 per cent.

The move comes as part of an initiative announced last December to help the struggling sector -between 2018 and 2022, the number of smaller red meat abattoirs declined by around a quarter while smaller poultry abattoirs have decreased by around 40 per cent.


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Writing on the Defra website, the department’s Red Meat and Dairy Team leader Owen Marlow said the updates, raising the intervention rate from 40 per cent to 50 per cent and adding £15,000 to the maximum grant amount, had been introduced to help small abattoirs manage cash flow.

The minimum grant amount remains the same at £2,000.

Jane Thynne | Farmers Guardian

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