The Impact of the 2024 General Election on the Pig Sector

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The decision to call a July 4 general election has already had an impact on some big policy issues affecting the pig sector and will have longer-term implications on others. ALISTAIR DRIVER looks into some of the hot topics.

Rishi Sunak’s July 4 general election call took pretty much everyone by surprise, including, it seemed, many within his own government. 

See also: Pig sector calls for fairness in supply chain and protection of UK borders

The election, with the polls suggesting the likelihood of a Labour government for the first time since 2010, will have significant implications for the farming sector.

The Conservative government has had its ups and downs with the farming community in recent years, particularly as it sought to navigate the post-Brexit world, and Labour, which has had an even rougher ride in Wales, the Liberal Democrats and Reform will be looking to take advantage, while Plaid Cymru, in Wales, and the Scottish National Party will also be trying to win over the farming vote.

Alistair Driver | Pig World

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