Sales of red meat and dairy continue to rise

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Sales of red meat and dairy continue to rise amid heightened public support for local and sustainable produce, figures show.

Sales of red meat were up 7% in the 12 weeks ending 3 July 2021 compared to the same period pre-Covid in 2019.

This increase was largely driven by sales of beef, according to figures published by Quality Meat Scotland (QMS).

Figures looking at the month August showed significant growth for meat, particularly sausages and fresh beef, up £5m and £1.7m respectively.

This comes alongside news that sales of dairy in the UK have also increased for the second year in a row.


According to figures by the AHDB, sales of cow’s milk increased by 4.2% while cheese is up 4.5% on the previous year.

Responding to the figures, NFU Scotland said demand for quality British produce remained high, and farmers were working hard to supply it.

President Martin Kennedy said: “In these well documented, challenging times for all, it is extremely encouraging and appreciated that there is a demand.

“We as an industry have much to be proud of, with our high environmental and animal welfare standards, and I want to thank the public for their support.


by Farming UK

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