AHDB predicts weakening of EU pig prices

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The Agriculture and Horticultural Development Board (AHDB) has predicted a weakening of EU pig prices in the months ahead as farmers are thought to have held back pigs from slaughter in anticipation of higher prices.

The speculation rests on the idea that EU producers have held back pigs and that the current shortage in slaughter pigs may ease soon. Combined with reports of good pork supplies in the EU market, AHDB anticipates these factors spelling future weakness in EU pig prices.

Pig meat production in the EU grew by nearly 2% in 2021, to 23.4 million tonnes, with 250 million pigs slaughtered. However, trade was lower across the year, especially in the second half, as demand from China fell, with the increase in production consumed at home.

Production fell in Germany (-3%) year-on-year, remained stable in Poland and France, and grew in the Netherlands (+3%), Denmark (+8%) and Spain (+4%).

The rise in Spain’s production secured the country’s top spot, with pig meat production at 5.2 million tonnes, much of this underpinned by exports, with China playing an important market.


By Iain Hoey / Pig World

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