Cull cow prices up, up and away

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In recent weeks, cull cow prices have been climbing, with the GB overall cow price reaching a record breaking high last week.

In the most recent week, ended 12 March, the price climbed a further 7p, to 316.7p/kg. Meanwhile, the GB all prime average increased 2.1p, to 410.8p/kg. The clean cattle premium over cows is now at one of narrowest points on record.

Estimated prime kill for the week totalled 31,100 head, 400 head fewer than in the same week last year. Meanwhile, estimated cow kill fell 800 head to 9,800 head. Availability of prime cattle in the coming year is likely to remain tight compared to historic levels.

There is an increased numbers of younger animals on the ground compared to January 2021, but numbers are lower than 2 years ago. At the moment, processors are competing for supplies, which is supporting prices.


Rebecca Wright / AHDB

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