Mexican Visit Highlights Opportunities for UK Pork Exports

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An inspection of the UK pork sector by an official delegation from Mexico has been labelled a ‘milestone moment’ in maintaining and expanding market access to the region for the industry.

The delegation of Mexican officials spent two weeks inspecting abattoirs and cold stores to gather evidence on compliance with national and EU legislation on animal health and welfare, as well as food safety.

The inspection was hosted by Defra, working in close partnership with the UK Export Certification Partnership (UKECP), AHDB and the wider industry. It was also supported by other UK and Devolved Government departments and agencies, including representatives from the Department for Business and Trade (DBT) Mexico.

Mexico is one of the biggest pork importers in the world and consumes more pork than it is able to produce, with pork consumption increasing 4.7% per year from 2017 to 2022. AHDB analysis has also shown consumers in Mexico have a positive perception of British red meat in terms of quality, price and value.

Mexico officially opened its doors to British pork exports for the first time in 2021 and earlier this year opened its market further to include temporary access for pork offal and edible by-products.

Ouafa Doxon, AHDB Senior Market Access Manager, said:

“The overall objective of the inspection was to help maintain the UK’s market access to Mexico for pork and to increase the number of authorised exporters to ship product while widening the scope to include offal products, which are in high demand in the Mexican market.

“AHDB plays a crucial role in facilitating these types of inspection visits as part of the journey towards maintaining and enhancing market access for our levy payers. The inspection visit from the Mexican delegation is not the end of the journey. It does, however, represent a significant milestone in the process of helping put as many of our pork exporters as possible in the strongest position to trade in this important market.”



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