US ‘must conform’ to UK food standards as trade talks commence

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Farmers have reiterated the need to protect British food and farming standards as trade talks between the UK and US are set to get underway.

The first round of delayed video-conference negotiations will involve 200 officials today (5 May), and is expected to last two weeks with future talks every six weeks.

International Trade Secretary Liz Truss has pledged to drive a ‘hard bargain’ and said any deal with the US was ‘essential’ to ease the Covid-19 financial impact.

“Increasing transatlantic trade can help our economies bounce back from the economic challenge posed by coronavirus,” she said.

“As we sit down at the negotiating table, be assured that we will drive a hard bargain to secure a deal that benefits individuals and businesses in every region and nation of the UK.”

But farming groups have again reiterated the need for the British government to maintain food and farming standards in a UK-US trade deal.

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