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GB finished pig prices have recorded another week of decline in the week ending 14 November. The EU-spec SPP fell by 1.29p on the week to average 154.05p/kg. This puts the measure almost 4.3p below the same week in the previous year.

The price for carcases 70.0-104.9kg also fell noticeably, by 1.13p on the week to average 155.62p/kg. Unfortunately, the sample data for the “up to 59.9kg” and the “105.0kg and over” weight bands was not robust and so a price for these bands alone was not split out this week.

Estimated slaughter was much higher than the previous week, with some difficulties at abattoirs easing. Throughputs were estimated at 185,800 head, 9,500 more than in the previous week.

Nevertheless, this remains 3,700 head (2%) below the same week in the previous year. Though the situation may have improved a little, reports indicate COVID-19 is still limiting available staff numbers at some processors. There is growing concern over the number of pigs backed up in the system, particularly in the run up to Christmas. Kill levels normally peak at this time of year.


By Felicity Rusk

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