Beef producers see red over Blue Peter campaign

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The BBC has stooped to new depths in attempting to direct children in a way that could be harmful to their health and growth, says the National Beef Association (NBA) in response to the broadcaster’s new ‘one-sided’ Blue Peter initiative.

In an open letter to BBC director general Tim Davie, the NBA raises significant concerns with the new Blue Peter ‘green’ badge initiative, encouraging children to be ‘environmentally friendly’ by adhering to three tasks; turn off lights, use less plastic and not to eat meat.

“This absolutely implies that eating meat is not an environmentally acceptable thing to do,” says NBA CEO Neil Shand, in the letter sent to Mr Davie.

“Meat – of all origins, but especially red meat – is a valuable source of protein, vitamins and minerals, and is scientifically established to provide nutrients which are essential to development and growth of children,” he adds.

Many of these nutrients that are vital to a healthy food balance cannot be found naturally in any other food source.

The NBA believes the remit appears to be to encourage children not to eat meat, without giving any positive balanced view on the benefits of meat, either to their health, to local industry or to countryside.

It also fails to give any negative view on how fruit, vegetables and other plant food, along with their corresponding air miles, might impact the environment.

“It is incomprehensible that this type of programme should offer views which are at best unbalanced, and at worst irresponsible,” says Mr Shand.


by the Western Telegraph

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