Popular Wholesale Butchery | North East

Price: OIRO £395,000.
Contact: 01204 214646
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REF: 161768

Popular Wholesale Butchery

  • operates In North East England And Online
  • Generated a turnover of circa £2m in YE22.
  • Provides an array of meats, fish and shellfish, as well as a variety of supplementary products, to the general public and businesses throughout the region.
  • Maintains a popular retail outlet as well as operating a convenient e-commerce platform for customers regionally.
  • Serves in excess of 600 customers on a weekly basis, many of whom provide reliable, repeat business.
  • Employs a highly experienced and knowledge workforce, dedicated to delivering an outstanding, customer-focused service.
  • Operates from leasehold premises at £15,000 per annum, which can be included on a freehold basis, subject to negotiations.
  • Offered for sale to facilitate retirement plans.
  • OIRO £395,000.
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