Beef Round

Topside of beef is a large, lean cut.  Both topside and silverside are taken from the hind quarter of the animal, between the rump and leg.

The topside muscle, being both lean and quite tender, makes an excellent roasting joint.

Topside is ideal for roasting as it is very tender and can be carved into lean slices. Oven roast this flavoursome joint at Gas mark 4-5, 180-190°C, 350-375°F.  Make sure you baste your roasting topside of beef regularly while it’s in the oven.

Silverside of beef is a large, lean, boneless cut of meat with a course grained texture. It is mostly used for roasting joints, braising steaks or dice.

Silverside is very similar lean joint as it is the adjoining muscle, but it will need to be pot roasted or roasted with liquid to keep it from drying out. A rolled sirloin is a great alternative for a special occasion.

Silverside and Topside of beef are both taken from the hind quarter of the animal, between the rump and the leg.  Silverside gets its name from the shiny silvery membrane covering its internal surface.
