Number of African swine fever cases in Germany rises as intensive search continues

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As the intensive search for dead wild boar continues in the Brandenburg region of Germany, the official number of confirmed African swine fever (ASF) cases has risen to 35. 

The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) said the virus was confirmed by the National Reference Laboratory, the Friedrich Loeffler Institute (FLI), in three more wild boar at the weekend. One was found in the core area set up around the initial outbreaks and two in the wider ‘endangered’ area.

Previously, the infected wild boar had been found in two hotspot areas – Spree-Neisse, where the original case confirmed on September 10 was found, and near the town of Neuzelle in the OderSpree, about 7.5 km away.

There have still been no cases recorded in domestic pigs.

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