Coronavirus outbreak at Scunthorpe meat processing factory

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An outbreak of Covid-19 has occurred at a meat processing factory.

A number of workers at the Karro Food plant in Scunthorpe are self-isolating after testing positive, and a mobile testing unit has been brought in.

The firm said it was working closely with North Lincolnshire Council, Public Health England and the Health and Safety Executive.

It is not known how many of the 434 workers at the bacon and gammon slicing factory have been infected.

A spokesperson for the company said: “Karro has always, and will continue to, follow government advice and guidelines which do everything possible to protect its people, including allowing its employees to choose to wear face coverings if it is deemed safe to do so.

“Those who have tested positive for Covid-19 and those identified as working near to a colleague or having extended close contact have been sent home to self-isolate for 14 days as a precaution and preventative measure.”

North Lincolnshire Council, which is responsible for public health in the area, said people who had come into contact with infected workers would be notified through the NHS test and trace system

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