UK beef exports to US frozen

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UK beef exports to the US are frozen for the remainder of 2022, with the blockage set to hit UK exporters.

The UK transported 2,574 tonnes of beef worth £11 million in 2021 and £1.3 million in January 2022, but the US quota for this year has already been filled.

Dr Phil Hadley, AHDB international market development director, said: “Quota levels and the 26.4 per cent tariff on further shipments mean that UK and other EU exporters who use the Other Country (OC) specific quota will no longer be price competitive and will therefore cease to ship to the US.”

UK access is predicated on availability of 60,000t of OC quota.

But beef from Brazil and Central American countries comes under the same allocation, meaning the UK is affected by Brazilian exports.

“Brazil’s BSE case and subsequent bans in China meant that they have switched volume to US,” said Dr Hadley.

“The result is a rapidly filled quota with impact on others who use this route.”


by John Wilkes / Farmers Guardian

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