Edinburgh University students vote down plant-based motion

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Students at Edinburgh University have voted overwhelmingly against a motion which, if successful, could have meant an end to meat and dairy products being served at any of the university’s catering outlets. 

It is the second time in recent years that such a vote has been held and failed to attract majority support. This latest attempt saw the Student Council considering a motion proposing: “To make the transition to a just and sustainable plant-based catering system.”

Only 19 per cent of those who voted support the motion, with 152 in favour and 645 against.

Jim Fairlie, SNP MSP for Perthshire South and Kinross-shire, had earlier warned of the dangers of the motion succeeding.

He said: “I am happy with the outcome. It underlines that students have recognised the importance of red meat and dairy as a dietary option.”


Ewan Pate | Farmers Guardian

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