Forfar livestock mart to close

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The last sale will be on May 4 with the premises up for sale.

Forfar looks destined to become yet another market town without a livestock market at it is heart.

On Wednesday evening the owners of the Forfar Mart, Lanark- based Lawrie and Symington announced that the company intended to cease  holding auction sales in the Angus county town.

The directors also said consultations with staff would commence immediately.

A statement from the Lawrie and Symington Board said: “Forfar market has long provided a valued service to the agricultural community supported by an extremely loyal customer base.


“However, livestock marketed through Forfar continues to reduce year on year with cattle numbers this year back 30 per cent.

“Although we have identified other potential revenue streams for Forfar, the market’s main income source must be from livestock sales commission and current throughput numbers, coupled with ever increasing operating costs are not sustainable.


Ewan Pate | Farmers Guardian

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