UK’s new Brexit plan: ‘Not for EU’ stickers

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The European Commission and the UK government has agreed on requirements for the labelling on agri-food retail goods.

The label will be placed at different levels starting from individual, box, shelf signs and posters

Milk, butter, meat, fish and vegetables will start carrying a “not for EU” label across Britain and not just North Ireland, the government announced in its latest Brexit plan.

The new labelling rules, enacted under Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s Windsor Framework agreement, have caused confusion among businessmen who have demanded more explanation from the government.

Member of Parliament Sir Iain Duncan Smith slammed the new rules, which will come into effect from October.

The former Tory leader has been demanding Sunak to ditch the “ridiculous” regulations. “They should drop it. It will be seen as ludicrous,” Smith said.


Ayndrila Banerjee |

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