Channel 4’s beef programme ‘amounted to an onslaught’ on British farming

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Channel 4’s recent programme looking at the beef sector ‘amounted to an onslaught’ on British farming, the NFU has said.

The union has sent a letter of complaint to Channel 4 and the producers of ‘The Big British Beef Battle’, aired on 1 December 2023.

The programme called on the public to reduce their beef consumption as a means to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

It made various claims about livestock systems that were based on research on farming in the US, South America and Australia, where practices differ widely from those in the UK.

The NFU said in its letter than a number of basic factual errors about cattle were made during the programme.

Its letter of complaint to the producers of the programme called on Channel 4 to involve the industry in the development of any future productions that are focused on food production.

The NFU’s letter says: “Channel 4 has aired a programme which claimed it wanted to “cancel” the “British countryside” and “British cows”.


Farming UK

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