Meat processors raise concern over new immigration rules

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Meat processors have expressed concern that new rules will restrict access for migrants to fill critical labour shortages whilst liberalising access where no vacancies exist.

The British Meat Processors Association (BMPA) said the government was in danger of imposing blanket rules to achieve arbitrary migration targets.

The industry body added that ministers should consider the different labour requirements and challenges of different industries.

Using an average salary threshold figure of £38,700 “fails to take into account that the average is made up of both higher and lower salaries.”

“It’s often in the lower bracket that worker shortages are most acute,” a BMPA spokesperson explained.

“If companies have to start paying migrant workers more than the ‘going rate’ for a particular job simply to achieve the threshold and fill a vacancy, this will very quickly spark wage inflation across many industries as existing UK workers demand the same salary.”


by Farming UK 

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