Final steps in securing Irish beef access to South Korea

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Ireland has reached the final steps in securing beef access to South Korea.

It has been announced this week the decision of the National Assembly of South Korea to advance Ireland’s application for beef access to the next stage.

This follows Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue’s visit to Korea in October this year and Minister of State Martin Heydon’s visit in March.

Minister McConalogue noted this “extremely positive development” as a “very significant milestone in achieving market access for Irish beef in this important market”.

“South Korea was designated as a priority market for Irish beef and my department has been active in pursuit of this objective working through the very detailed application process,” Mr McConalogue said.

“With a population of over 50m people, there is huge potential for Irish agri-food exporters to grow their footprint in the sophisticated Korean market.



Kathleen O’Sullivan | Irish Examiner

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