Austria, France and Italy lead charge against lab-grown meat

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Vienna, Paris and Rome, along with nine other EU countries, are set to argue that meat grown in a laboratory is a threat to “genuine food production methods”, a claim a diplomatic source told Euractiv is “exaggerated and premature”.

Lab-grown meat “does not constitute a sustainable alternative to primary farm-based production”, and raises ethical, economic, social and public health questions that “are essential for the future society”, the note to the Council of Ministers, that will be discussed at the next meeting of EU agriculture ministers on Tuesday (23 January), argues.

“These practices represent a threat to primary farm-based approaches and genuine food production methods that are at the very heart of the European farming model,” the document reads.

While its title is “CAP’s role in safeguarding high-quality and primary farm-based food production”, its core target is the “cell-based food production practices”.

The note is authored by the Austrian, French and Italian delegations and supported by those from the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Malta, Romania and Slovakia.


By Angelo Di Mambro | EURACTIV

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