‘Key workers’ walk out of factories over lack of social distancing

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Workers at Moy Park and ABP Food Group factories in Northern Ireland staged a walk out following concerns social distancing measures were being ignored by the companies. 

Upset about the working arrangements inside the factories and the lack of measures in place to combat the spread of the virus, the union Unite said 1,000 workers walked out of the Moy Park processing site in Portadown on March 25.

However, Moy Park have disputed the union’s claim and stated 100 workers walked out of the factory ’for 15 minutes’.

ABP, one of Europe’s leading privately owned food processors, also saw 30 employees walk out of its Lurgan site stating similar reasons.

Both companies have since reported no further disruptions.

The Covid-19 pandemic has seen Government label food production as an essential service during the outbreak, with food producers granted ’key worker’ status on March 19.

However, all businesses have been urged to apply appropriate social distancing measures and make changes to protect the welfare of staff.


by Hannah Binns

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